Missoula, Montana
Graveyard header.png


Random one offs

Projects that never got their legs

and who knows what else

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 Big ass painting for his entryway lol.

Big ass painting for his entryway lol.

far side.png
Beer designed based off my mural in Shred Monk in Bozeman

Beer designed based off my mural in Shred Monk in Bozeman

Cow_Sample_4 2.png
covid comic.png
 Many projects end up dead and ghosted or in what call  THE PROJECT GRAVEYARD  oOOooOOo more than I could remember to add here but here are few.

Many projects end up dead and ghosted or in what call THE PROJECT GRAVEYARD oOOooOOo more than I could remember to add here but here are few.

 plan for mural that never was

plan for mural that never was

 part of a plan for a weird ass mural

part of a plan for a weird ass mural

 I have about a billion examples of logo ideas on pages like these for most projects. Part of the process, sometimes they never find their legs though.

I have about a billion examples of logo ideas on pages like these for most projects. Part of the process, sometimes they never find their legs though.

 Thought this one was pretty slick, mimics dance diagrams to spell out the intials of the co. BBD. Small group and I both dug it but never made it past the board afaik. It happens, basically all art feedback, once opinions go past about 4, may also w

Thought this one was pretty slick, mimics dance diagrams to spell out the intials of the co. BBD. Small group and I both dug it but never made it past the board afaik. It happens, basically all art feedback, once opinions go past about 4, may also want to format your plan to abandon ship. =)

 If you know me at all, you know I love putting together dumb events, see art sports/ compost comedy with MGVC. This one with Tricia Opstead we put together a race clogging up old Higgins Bridge. Took over an hour to cross it. It was extremely slow.

If you know me at all, you know I love putting together dumb events, see art sports/ compost comedy with MGVC. This one with Tricia Opstead we put together a race clogging up old Higgins Bridge. Took over an hour to cross it. It was extremely slow.

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 Probably the best political debate of all time? 40 minutes of Arghh vs OooOoooooO. Also had a graveyard of political yard signs turned into headstones.

Probably the best political debate of all time? 40 minutes of Arghh vs OooOoooooO. Also had a graveyard of political yard signs turned into headstones.

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rise poster.png
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YEMEN 11X17.png
l2lposter version2.jpg

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L2L Mailer Front 2018.png
BF logo.png
BF farms website.png
blue sky .jpg
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AR CLUB5.png
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bernie layout3.jpg
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